Questions & Answers:

How much does it cost to book a session?
There is a non-refundable 25% booking deposit that goes toward charges we incur as we plan/set-up your session; however, the remaining balance can be refunded up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled session. Travel/lodging is extra for locales beyond the DFW metroplex.

When is payment due in full?
The entire amount for your session is due immediately before we begin shooting. Payment for additional photos is due at the end of the session when all images are reviewed during the client selection process.

Do you provide a stylist or make-up artist (MUA)?Clients will be given information about clothing selections, hair and make-up to help ensure their session meets their expectations and our standard of work. If a stylist or make-up artist is requested, one will be provided by the studio for an additional cost based on the terms of the stylist. Studio-contracted stylist are paid by the studio and the cost billed/paid for by the client prior to services rendered.

What is your refund policy?
There are no refunds after a session is done. Every attempt will be made to provide quality photos; however, crying babies, unhappy/unsmiling children or adults, or any other issue that arises on the client side will not be cause for a refund.

What is your cancellation policy?
The booking deposit is non-refundable; however, any money paid beyond that fee will be returned should the client wish to cancel and not reschedule.

What if a client is late to their session?
All sessions start and end on time. There is a 10-minute grace period for late arrivals. Session end time will not be extended beyond 10 minutes.

How can additional images be purchased? Additional images may be purchased immediately after your session for $25/each. Payment is due during photo review. The client chooses images immediately after the session and can purchase additional photos at that time. There are no emailed/shared previews for online viewing at a later time.

What about emergencies?
In the event of inclement weather, a natural or man-made disaster, the illness of the clients or photographer(s), the session will be rescheduled at no charge or the client may elect to cancel and receive any funds paid (excluding non-refundable booking deposit).

What is your policy on pets?
No pets are allowed in the studio. Trained service dogs with correct leash/harness are allowed; however, any dog brought in who is unleashed and/or poorly-trained will be asked to leave. If the client must leave due to the animal, any money beyond the non-refundable deposit, will be returned, and the session will be cancelled.

What about bringing family/friends to the session?
Only paying clients and members of the client's party being photographed will be allowed in the building. Members of the party who are not actively engaged in the session (in front of the camera) may NOT use their cell phones to record any part of the session or take pictures of the session. The session will be suspended immediately until all members of the party abide by these terms. Should the behavior of the client or any member of the client's party become aggressive, rude, threatening, lewd, erratic, or irresponsible with equipment or other items, the session will be cancelled and/or rescheduled. If enough images have been taken to meet the session requirements, then those images will be selected, edited, and delivered by the photographer and the session will be considered complete--even if all members of the client party have not been photographed.

What is your policy on drugs? ALL forms of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and vapes are strictly prohibited during studio sessions; however, alcohol being served legally at an event is fine. Clients who arrive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any type of narcotics will be asked to leave. Clients or attendees who become unruly or create an unsafe working environment for the photographer will cause the contract to be voided/cancelled. The non-refundable deposit will not be returned. No option will be given to reschedule. Any images taken prior to the departure of the photographer will be given and contract will be considered met and terminated with no remedies or consideration given to the client.

What is your policy on weapons?
No weapons/handguns are allowed on the premises or during the session no matter the location. No weapons/handguns will be featured in any session.

Who has print rights and rights of usage?
All digital images come with printing rights for the clients. No images may be modified by anyone other than Christopher Marian Photography (CMP), LLC and then used to identify Christopher Marian Photography, LLC by name or any other way. CMP reserves the rights and use of all photos created.

We tried to anticipate the questions.

Our goal and joy is to see happy clients who love their pictures. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions/ common occurrences. Feel to ask us any other questions you may have.